According to wookiepedia, the Sith Eternal fielded 1080 "Xyston-class Star Destroyers", each housing 72 TIE/dg and a crew of almost 30,000. Their devotion is what brought them to Exegol in order to revive Palpatine. No. This would work best probably by using The Fortnite broadcast message while ships are being deployed across the galaxy, while Poe and the Resistance are listening. Though Exegol was the stellar neighborhood's sole natural satellite, the planet shared its sun, an unspectacular G-type main-sequence star, with an extensive gaseous molecular cloud, the vestigial remnants of interstellar clouds . Ask Question Asked 1 year, 11 months ago. RELATED: 10 Star Wars Villains Who Could Give Darth Vader A Run For His Money These are the capital ships used by the Empire in their war against the Rebels and anyone . Boasting of a fleet of Star Destroyers a thousand times more powerful than the galaxy has ever seen, the Xyston-class Star Destroyers were to be the ultimate weapon of the Emperor, . Included is around 1,500 defecting First Order Star Destroyers (Hux's followers), older Imperial Star Destroyers, and at least one Super Star Destroyer. So The Resistance finally win and the Jedi definitively have destroyed the Sith once and for all. Reward: TIE Fighter Pilot. Was the line about the fleet being completely unshielded in Exegol's atmosphere in the movie? Hard to say..could be. Exegol was the sole planet of the system of the same name, a remote star system that lay west of the Galactic Barrier in the greater Unknown Regions of the galaxy. The biggest WTF moment of The Rise of Skywalker is that Rey is a Palpatine. Which shifts things a bit. Meanwhile, be sure to email, click for a FREE quote on your next . It isn't 100% clear yet if any natural corporeal beings were living (for long periods of time) on Exegol. the destroyer that destroyed Kijimi returned immediately after. The Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Visual Dictionary finally explains how Emperor Palpatine amassed his enormous fleet of planet-killing Star Destroyers. They sought and utilized many secrets of the Dark Side of the Force, indoctrinating the entire population of Exegol to do . deflecting it with her dual lightsaberz, and causing it to split apart and blast through all the other ships. 1. Who the heck is Rey's grandmother if Rey's grandfather is Palpatine? So there's lots of these Sith Troopers, who look really fucking cool with their red armor. As it is, the final battle is nonsensical and dull. But let's talk about those Star Destroyers for a second. This fleet featured thousands of ships, and a recent Star Wars Kids video explored just a few of them, looking at all the ships of the sequel trilogy: There are, of course, some really notable ships. The MC95A Star Cruiser was a model of Mon Calamari Star Cruiser that was active during the war between the First Order and the Resistance. So that's 42 ships we know of at the Battle of Exegol. 6. Star Wars. In Rise, Palpatine . Recent Star Wars comic books have been exploring how he wooed and corrupted young Ben Solo into joining the Dark Side as Kylo Ren, but his origin and history remained unclear. But how many ships were present for that battle? It was proving more difficult than expected. The Resistance's victory prevented the Star Destroyers from leaving Exegol to reinforce First Order forces and began an uprising against it across . Exegol (previously called Ixigul) is a dark desert planet located within the Unknown Regions and is a hidden Sith world. How large was the final battle in The Rise of Skywalker, and how many ships participated at the Battle of Exegol? Tens of thousands of Death Stars. So that's 42 ships we know of at the Battle of Exegol. Viewed 1k times 5 In The Rise of Skywalker, we see a massive fleet of Star Destroyers, which, for all intents and purposes, I will call the Exegol Fleet, due to the fact that they are seen on Exegol. That's a pretty small number when compared to the massive number . This fleet featured thousands of ships, and a recent Star Wars Kids video explored just a few of them, looking at all the ships of the sequel trilogy: There are, of course, some really notable ships. It isn't 100% clear yet if any natural corporeal beings were living (for long periods of time) on Exegol. I'm estimating that figure to be the rough size of the total Final Order fleet since one of the First . The book reveals that they are known as the Sith Eternal. Scramble Run: Exegol - Head to the race marker and run through all the gates. Not much special about this one other than the rocks to shoot to reveal the gates. 300 Sith Eternal Heavy Troopers. Spoilers for Star: Wars Darth Vader #13. Reward: TIE Fighter Pilot. Part of the Interstellar War, it serves as a major engagement in which the Celestial Federation, Resistance, and WILLE in attempt to attack against the Dark Universal . If C'Baoth were to show up, it would need to either be Jorus, or, if it's Joruus, then . Presuming the latter, that might explain who built all of Palpatine's Final Order, planet-killing Star Destroyers, which -- again, presuming -- likely were built in that massive floating structure Kylo Ren and Rey visit on Exegol.. The first scene in Star Wars: A New Hope features two ships, the smaller of which is being pursued by an impossibly large warship that seems to go on and on without end. Boards. Each SD would carry dozens of TIE fighters. So is it truly out of the realm of possibility that the Death Star II was created there as well? Space Trials -. Scramble Run: Exegol - Head to the race marker and run through all the gates. The Star Destroyers were equipped with many powerful turbolasers and the best armor and shields. oda may be a wise and powerful Jedi Master, but he also has a legendary sense of humor, and always makes his feelings known with vocal asides. But the barren, desert world was home to powerful cross-winds and . 6. While the film never fully explained the ships used in the Final Order, a new Darth Vader comic shows the Sith Lord actually see the fleet under construction. . Lit From Endor to Exegol - The State of the Galaxy Discussion Thread . . Her father was . The film uses the Final Order fleet as the centerpiece for the climactic battle, but much like the . If the Emperor was just hiding out on Exegol for 30 years, then where did he get the biggest fleet in galactic history from? As soon as Rey exited hyperspace into Exegol, she was surprised at what she saw. Modified 1 year, 11 months ago. As it came to pass in the last . These new and improved additions make . And all Star Destroyer types are at risk if the bridge is taken out. . How exactly did they manage to conceal at least several tens of thousands of Xyston-class Star Destroyers beneath the surface of the planet? Beneath the barren surface of Exegol waits an armada of hundreds of Xyston-class Star Destroyers. Precisely. Though Exegol was the stellar neighborhood's sole natural satellite, the planet shared its sun, an unspectacular G-type main-sequence star, with an extensive gaseous molecular cloud, the vestigial remnants of interstellar clouds . The Rise of Skywalker Ending Explained. Exegol was the sole planet of the system of the same name, a remote star system that lay west of the Galactic Barrier in the greater Unknown Regions of the galaxy. Building that many Star Destroyers requires tonnes of resources, so you could have easily had Rey and friends investigating stolen resources, encountering unexpected First Order resistance, and naturally been drawn to Exegol where they'd be surprised by the re-emergence of the Emperor and become the underdogs against his armada. That's a pretty small number when compared to the massive number . Built on Exegol by automated factories and with a total crew of 29,585 personnel, . #9 Obi5Kenobi, Jan 15, 2020. A new featurette . The Destroyers in the film that were equipped with the planet-obliterating laser canons were all brand new. The new junior novelization for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker finally gives us the story behind the Sith fortress on Exegol. They were able to bring him back through the use of . They shoud've had her do her grandfather's signature psycho crusher attack straight into one of the (death) star destroyers big laser beams. The Battle of Exegol was the final and decisive battle in the war between the First Order and the Resistance in which the Resistance and the citizens' fleet defeated the Final Order, a new Sith Empire which had been formed from the First Order and the Sith Eternal. These new ships are called the Xyston-class Star Destroyer and they were built by shipwrights, engineers, and slaves under the rule of the Sith Eternal on Exegol. Reapers, on the other. Exegol (previously called Ixigul) is a dark desert planet located within the Unknown Regions and is a hidden Sith world. (5.0 mi) long, Executor-class Super Star Destroyers were later described as being 19 kilometers (12 mi) long. These massive battleships are modeled after the Imperial-era warships that enforced the Emperor's will, but equipped with belly-mounted superlasers capable of eradicating a planet. One shot near the beginning of . The Head of the Snake has been severed and the Chiss Ascendancy shattered, it's colonies open to plunder as the raider fleets pick apart the carrion fields. Telemachus and his elite were already in that sector of the battle, doing their utmost to cripple the bombing run the B-Wings and missile boats were attempting. Find out how many times the 900-year-old teacher, who trained Luke Skywalker and many others, grunts, grumbles, and giggles on film. Exegol used to be a fertile planet before the Sith established themselves in there and stripped it of all of its resources, leaving the world barren. I love the parallel to The Force Awakens.The old Empire's grave was the desert planet of Jakku, and the new Empire is rising up "out of the grave" from below the surface of the desert on Exegol. We do know that the Sith Eternal were building Star Destroyers, TIE fighters and other weapons on Exegol for Darth Sidious. It used the towers to navigate away from Exegol and got into space. The visual dictionary of The Rise of Skywalker also explains the Star Destroyers on Exegol were not leftover from the days of the Empire decades ago, but instead are part of a new class that was forged on the legendary planet.Made up of several influential people across the galaxy, the Sith Eternal was able to provide raw materials for the massive fleet by smuggling parts from the Sienar . We also know from the eleventh issue of Greg Pak's Darth Vader comic series that the Final Order was being constructed on the planet during the original trilogy. Tora Doza joins the fight at Exegol. With the help of the Star Wars Visual Dictionary we can surmise that many of the people involved with bringing The Emperor & The Sith back, were loyalists (Ochi), cultists (Sith Eternal), spirits of the Sith, and alchemist practitioners . Apparently Palpatine's engineers had found a way to attach a superlaser to the Star Destroyers. SyndicThrass Jedi Master. Jonathan Wright May 9, 2020 5:02 pm. With a shot to each super laser destroying the entire ship. The Xyston-class Star Destroyer.One of many contentious plot points in The Rise of Skywalker.. How many Star Destroyers were on Exegol? The rebuilding process after the pyrrhic victory over Csilla has been slow and grueling. a fleet of the Sith Eternal's most powerful ships. With the help of the Star Wars Visual Dictionary we can surmise that many of the people involved with bringing The Emperor & The Sith back, were loyalists (Ochi), cultists (Sith Eternal), spirits of the Sith, and alchemist practitioners . Precisely. Fly to the marked location and destroy all First Order ships. The designs for the new ships are surely something I'm going to want to see. Personally, I love it. This was the first sight of an Imperial Star Destroyer. After Rey, Finn, Poe and the rest celebrate, Rey heads to . In addition to the legacy ships we know and love, they had to create over 50 new ships to fill out the scene once J.J. Abrams told them the scope of it. deflecting it with her dual lightsaberz, and causing it to split apart and blast through all the other ships. The Rise of Skywalker tells us that this planet is Exegol, a hidden Sith bastion, and that the fleet is Palpatine's Final Order, a massive secret force anchored by countless Star Destroyers, each equipped with a planet-killing superlaser. The Sith loyalists suspected the existence of a transportative vergence beneath the planet's surface, so they excavated the . Star Destroyers are capital ships in the fictional Star Wars universe. Chapter 1: Part I: The Battle of Exegol. Then again how many got dismantled to make way for new Star Destroyers Jid123Sheeve, Apr 26, 2021 #11034. Registered: Sep 25, 2016. . Most excitingly, . A new addition was also added. The designs for the new ships are surely something I'm going to want to see. The Sith loyalists suspected the existence of a transportative vergence beneath the planet's surface, so they excavated the . The Battle of Exegol was the decisive final battle in the war between the First Order and the Resistance in which the Resistance and the Citizens' Fleet defeated the Final Order, the Xyston-class Star Destroyer fleet designed by the Sith Eternal. So, interesting lore tidbit I just stumbled across. (2,238 ft). 14,000 allied ships were present at the Battle of Exegol. Just like the entire new Sith Eternal faction, we see them for the first time in this film. The First Order is a fictional military movement and rump state in the Star Wars franchise, introduced in the 2015 film The Force Awakens.Formed following the fall of the Galactic Empire after the events of Return of the Jedi (1983), the First Order seeks to destroy the New Republic and rule the galaxy as an autocratic military dictatorship.It is the main antagonistic faction of the sequel . Chapter Text. Even better would be that we saw Vader's X1 in the wreckage of the DS2 and THAT is what Ben flies to Exegol. In addition to the legacy ships we know and love, they had to create over 50 new ships to fill out the scene once J.J. Abrams told them the scope of it. The Federation's triumph at the battle successfully prevented the Der'kal fleet from deploying off Exegol, and incited people to rise up against the Der'kal . Star Wars' Skywalker saga concluded in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker with an epic fleet battle over the Sith planet of Exegol. They shoud've had her do her grandfather's signature psycho crusher attack straight into one of the (death) star destroyers big laser beams. The entire atmosphere was an unnatural shade of blue, illuminated only by the occasional burst of lightning. The Resistance's triumph at the battle successfully prevented the restoration of the Sith and the Sith fleet from deploying off . Like x 2. Late in the movie it's revealed that this massive fleet of Star Destroyers that Emperor Palpatine pulled out of the ice on Exegol at the beginning of the . For decades they built a new fleet of Star Destroyers, infiltrated the First Order, and influenced Kylo Ren's path to the Dark Side. As it is, the final battle is nonsensical and dull. Fly to the marked location and destroy all First Order ships. In addition to Vader's command ship Executor, . Jun 20, 2021. Dread filled her entire body as she realized how many Star Destroyers there truly were in front of her. Bucket's List Extra: 5 Fun Facts from "The Escape - Part 2" - Star Wars Resistance | . Go back to where the droid is to get your reward. After Darth Sidious' first death during the Battle of Endor, the Sith loyalists continued to construct the Final Order, a massive fleet of warships.With each Xyston-class Star Destroyer armed with an axial superlaser capable of destroying entire planets, the Sith fleet would spearhead . The Battle of Exegol was the decisive final battle in the second war between the United Federation of Planets and the Der'kal Empire in which the Federation and the Federation fleet defeated the Der'kal Empire in 2394 at the planet Exegol. Once free of Exegol's turbulent atmosphere, these Sith Star Destroyers will provide Darth Sidious with unmatched . Go back to where the droid is to get your reward. Space Trials -. The Republic had 300,000 ships and fighters. one of those Star Destroyers has a Death Star superlaser that can . The Battle of Exegol, according to Wookieepedia which doesn't cite the source of the following number, had 1,080 Xyston-class Star Destroyers present. #1. A new Star Wars comic just provided a closer look at how Emperor Palpatine managed to create his massive Star Destroyer fleet on Exegol seen in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Most excitingly, . The Idea is that Palpatine reorganizes The First Order into The Final Order, under General Pryde as leader of the entire fleet. Exegol was an important world to the Sith. The Sith Star Destroyers emerged from Exegol to deploy across the galaxy, but were stopped by the Resistance. If not, that's how all those destroyers were taken out really quickly. There were also many classes of ships and fighters usedby the Rebellion. MC95A Star Cruiser. Billie Lourd sneaked into Lucasfilm's revival of "Star Wars" as Lt. Connix, one of the Resistance fighters running tactical machinery in the base of General Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher . Question About Exegol and the Fleet (SPOILERS) Lord of Nightmares 2 years ago #1. Let's say, for the sake of this piece, there are 1,000 of them in the fleet. We'll cover that and more on today's video!. That ship had hyperdrive and it's Ben's grandfather's ship AND it would have looked cool next to Luke's X-Wing; a call back to the trench run in ANH. A big special edition for Rise of Skywalker or an art-book for the film is going to be super exciting. Building that many Star Destroyers requires tonnes of resources, so you could have easily had Rey and friends investigating stolen resources, encountering unexpected First Order resistance, and naturally been drawn to Exegol where they'd be surprised by the re-emergence of the Emperor and become the underdogs against his armada. (Aside from a small "108" number reference this seems arbitrary and conflicts with the estimated number of Star Destroyers that the novelization provides, "tens of thousands".) After two decisive strikes at Felucia and Thule against the Sith Empire and Sith . Exegol used to be a fertile planet before the Sith established themselves in there and stripped it of all of its resources, leaving the world barren. They weren't really in orbit of Exegol so much as hovering 100 meters over the surface of the planet. A FREAKING PALPATINE. Anything larger than a frigate in Citadel space is designed solely for void operations and actually cannot land on the ground. Among them were three from Star Wars Resistance: Well, one thing we do know is that among the 14,000 ships that arrive with Lando Calrissian over Exegol in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker are the Fireball, Jarek Yeager's racer, and Torra Doza's ship," Hidalgo told A big special edition for Rise of Skywalker or an art-book for the film is going to be super exciting. The Battle of Exegol, also known as Attack on Exegol, or Raid on Sith Eternal Fleet, was a major battle fought on the hidden Sith world of Exegol. They were close enough that switching between attacking a ground target and landing on the Star Destroyer was a decision that didn't add more than a dozen seconds of flight time. They kept working in the shadows to install a new Empire once again ruled by a Sith Lord. The three Samael-class frigates began moving to the other side of the crippled Star Destroyer, ready to join in attacking Xiphos's ships. Many MC95A Star Cruisers were present on Exegol as part of the Citizens' Fleet that participated in the Battle of Exegol in 35 ABY between the Resistance and the Sith Eternal. Not much special about this one other than the rocks to shoot to reveal the gates. Warning! 1. This Axial Superlaser as it is called, could, if necessary, destroy a small planet.